About Us
The purpose of Theta Tau is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship.
Today, the Gamma Beta chapter at the George Washington University consists of over 30 members of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, majoring in nearly all of the offered engineering disciplines. The Gamma Beta Chapter of Theta Tau focuses on the social and professional development of its members, service in the Foggy Bottom and the greater Washington, D.C. communities, and involvement in the School of Engineering and Applied Science
Guiding Principles
Culture of brotherhood, lifelong relationships, and connection
Mutual respect and professionalism
Balance of social, service, and professional activities
Diversity of engineering disciplines and demographics
Core Values
From rush, through pledging, to lifelong brotherhood, our members are...
Honest & Ethical
Dependable & Trustworthy
Respectful of Ourselves and Each Other
Generous of Time, Talent, & Treasure for Each Other, Theta Tau, and our Community
Proud that we are the oldest, largest, and foremost Fraternity for Engineers
In addition to being leaders inside our fraternity, our members are leaders across other organizations throughout the campus. We have leaders in the Engineers' Council and technical societies like ACM, GW Tech Collective, ASME, and SAME. Many of our members also participate in research with distinguished professors across a wide variety of engineering disciplines. Our faculty and Chapter advisor, Dr. Thomas Mazzuchi, is the chair of the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering. Many of our brothers receive internships and full-time employment at prestigious companies throughout the country. Some of these via connections made through the fraternity.
We are always looking for motivated, ambitious, and energetic engineering students at the George Washington University that are interested in building friendships, improving their professional lives, and becoming the strong foundation upon which the fraternity is built. If you are interested in joining, please visit our Rush Page or send an email to rush@thetataugw.org to find out more information.
Theta Tau
Co-Ed Professional Engineering Fraternity
The George Washington University
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Washington, D.C. 20052